Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Static Public Attributes | List of all members Aspose::Bar......< SingleDecodeType > DatabarExpandedStack Specifies that the data...barcode specification ◆ DatabarExpandedStack System::SharedPtr <...
Aspose.BarCode.WPF.BarcodeGeneratorElement class. BarCodeGeneratorControl is a WPF control that can be used in a WPF window or page...DatabarOmniDirection, DatabarExpanded, DatabarExpandedStack. GS1CompositeBarTwoDC...
Aspose.BarCode.BarCodeRecognition.DecodeType class. Specify the type of barcode to read...specification static readonly DatabarExpandedStack Specifies that the data...
Home Browse our Products Toggle navigation Are you looking for an evaluation version of a product? If so you can down......databarexpanded (2) databarexpandedstack (2) databarlimited (2)...
تحديد أنه يجب فك تشفير البيانات باستخدام موسعة GS1 Databar مكدسة مواصفات الباركود...DatabarExpandedStack DecodeType.DatabarExpandedStack field تحديد...readonly SingleDecodeType DatabarExpandedStack ; أنظر أيضا class SingleDecodeType...
GS1 Databar 확장 스택 바코드를 나타냅니다....DatabarExpandedStack EncodeTypes.DatabarExpandedStack field GS1...SymbologyEncodeType DatabarExpandedStack ; 또한보십시오 class SymbologyEncodeType...
데이터를 디코딩해야 함을 지정합니다. GS1 Databar 확장 스택 바코드 사양...DatabarExpandedStack DecodeType.DatabarExpandedStack field 데이터를...readonly SingleDecodeType DatabarExpandedStack ; 또한보십시오 class SingleDecodeType...
يمثل GS1 Databar الرمز الشريطي المكدس الموسع....DatabarExpandedStack EncodeTypes.DatabarExpandedStack field يمثل...SymbologyEncodeType DatabarExpandedStack ; أنظر أيضا class SymbologyEncodeType...