Aspose.BarCode.BarCodeRecognition.DecodeType class. Specify the type of barcode to read...specification static readonly Code11 Specifies that the data should...
Home Browse our Products Toggle navigation Are you looking for an evaluation version of a product? If so you can down......codabar (2) codablockf (2) code11 (2) code128 (2) code16k (2)...
Field Field enumeration Specifies a field in the Microsoft Office Project. public enum Field Values Name Value Descri......Represents the Enterprise Outline Code11 (Resource) field. ResourceEnterpriseOu...Enterprise Resource Outline Code11 (Task) field. TaskResourceEnterpri...
Developer's manual that contains Java classes to work with Microsoft Project documents without utilizing Microsoft Project....Represents the Enterprise Outline Code11 (Resource) field. static int...Enterprise Resource Outline Code11 (Task) field. static int TaskResourceEnterpri...
Developer's manual that contains Java classes to work with Microsoft Project documents without utilizing Microsoft Project....Represents the Enterprise Outline Code11 (Resource) field. static int...Enterprise Resource Outline Code11 (Task) field. static int TaskResourceEnterpri...
تحديد أنه يجب فك تشفير البيانات باستخدام الكود 11 مواصفات الباركود...Code11 DecodeType.Code11 field تحديد أنه يجب فك تشفير البيانات...static readonly SingleDecodeType Code11 ; أنظر أيضا class SingleDecodeType...