Obtiene o establece la memoria máxima disponible para la memoria caché en la memoria. El valor especificado es megabytes count....MaxMemoryForCache Cache.MaxMemoryForCache property Obtiene o...demuestra el uso de Aspose.Imaging.Cache [C#] // De forma predeterminada...
Geben Sie verschiedene Wahr Geben Sie Schriftquellen ein: Systemordner, Benutzerquellen, Laden von Schriftarten aus einem Stream, einem DateiSystem oder Speicher mit Java.... Schriftarten aus dem System laden Es gibt ein besonderes...wird. Es stellt alle auf dem System installierten TrueType-Schriften...
Получает или задает значение указывающее должно ли перераспределение быть точным или нет. Если перераспределение не точное производительность должна быть выше....ExactReallocateOnly Cache.ExactReallocateOnly property Получает...использование Aspose.Imaging.Cache [C#] // По умолчанию папка кеша...
Obtiene o establece un valor que indica si la reasignación debe ser exacta o no. Si la reasignación no es exacta el rendimiento debería ser mayor....ExactReallocateOnly Cache.ExactReallocateOnly property Obtiene...demuestra el uso de Aspose.Imaging.Cache [C#] // De forma predeterminada...
Advanced typography features using C#....international languages and writing systems as compared to PostScript and...an expensive operation thus caching is recommended. Aspose.Words...
Advanced typography features in Aspose.Words for Java....international languages and writing systems as compared to PostScript and...an expensive operation thus caching is recommended. Aspose.Words...
Bu makale, GridJs için genel dosya işleme işlemlerini açıklar....Content ( ret , "text/plain" , System . Text . Encoding . UTF8 );...savecache,save the stream to the cache object with the key id. ///...
Represents XML form regarding XML Forms Architecture XFA.... flattenXfaField(System.Xml.XmlNode field) Flatten...beginCachedUpdates() Start cached updates mode. endCachedUpdates()...