Tento článek popisuje, jak oříznout stránky PDF pomocí Pythonu. Obsahuje základní informace pro nastavení IDE, napsání aplikace a ukázkový kód pro oříznutí souboru PDF pomocí Pythonu....obsahuje vlastnosti jako crop_box pro velikost stránky zobrazené...zobrazené v Adobe Acrobat, trim_box pro konečnou velikost rámečku po...
Determines if the type of the Boxed value represented by the current object is V....Determines if the type of the boxed value represented by the current...is comared with the type of boxed value represented by the current...
Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | List of all members System::BoxedValueBase Class Reference......descendant class that represents a boxed value. Objects of this class...representing the type of the boxed value represented by the current...
Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | List of all members System::BoxedValueBase Class Reference......descendant class that represents a boxed value. Objects of this class...representing the type of the boxed value represented by the current...
Detailed explanation & examples of Aspose.Words for Java classes & methods. Generate, convert, modify, render and print Word documents using Java....TEXTBOX = 2 static final int CHECK_BOX = 3 static final int TOGGLE_BUTTON...SPIN_BUTTON = 5 static final int COMBO_BOX = 6 static final int FRAME =...
قم بإدراج حقل نموذج أو الحصول عليه أو تنسيقه في مستند باستخدام Python....insert_text_input ، و insert_check_box ، و insert_combo_box . لاحظ أنه إذا قمت...الاختيار اتصل بـ insert_check_box لإدراج مربع اختيار في المستند...
Sisipkan, dapatkan, atau format bidang formulir dalam dokumen menggunakan Python....insert_text_input , insert_check_box , dan insert_combo_box . Perhatikan bahwa...Centang Hubungi insert_check_box untuk memasukkan kotak centang...
মানের হারানো ছাড়া .NET জন্য পাইথন মধ্যে পিডিএফ ফসল। এই পৃষ্ঠায় Aspose.PDF for Python ব্যবহার করে পিডিএফ ফাইল ক্রপ করার বৈশিষ্ট্য বর্ণনা করা হয়েছে।...input_pdf ) # Create new Box Rectagle new_box = ap . Rectangle ( 200... crop_box = new_box document . pages [ 1 ] . trim_box = new_box...
Returns a TypeCode value representing the type of the specified Boxed value....representing the type of the specified boxed value. static TypeCode System...shared pointer to the object boxing the value the type of which...