ControlChar CellChar field. End of a table cell or end of a table row character char7 or a in C#....characters to a document. Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...ControlChar namespace Aspose.Words assembly Aspose.Words ControlChar.Cell...
ControlChar ColumnBreak field. End of column character x000e in C#....characters to a document. Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...ControlChar namespace Aspose.Words assembly Aspose.Words ControlChar.CellChar...
Signifies that the iterator has become invalid. True if resultType is UnorderedNodeIterator type or OrderedNodeIterator type and the Document has been modified since this result was returned....OrderedNodeIterator type and the document has been modified since this...namespace Aspose.Svg.Dom.XPath assembly Aspose.SVG BooleanValue NumberValue...
The SVGTextPathElement interface corresponds to the textPath element....DOM Level 1 method, such as Document.createElement(), this is always...come after this one in the document tree. NextSibling { get; }...
Holds flags to control PDF/A conversion process for cases when source Document doesnt correspond to PDF/A specification....process for cases when source document doesn’t correspond to PDF/A...PdfFormatConversionO namespace Aspose.Pdf assembly Aspose.PDF LogStream NotAccessibleFonts...
ChartAxis TickLabelPosition property. Returns or sets the position of the tick labels on the axis in C#.... Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts assembly Aspose.Words ChartAxis.TickLabelOffset...
TextBox Next property. Returns or sets a TextBox that represents the next TextBox in a sequence of shapes in C#.... Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...namespace Aspose.Words.Drawing assembly Aspose.Words TextBox.LayoutFlow...
FieldMergeBarcode AddStartStopChar property. Gets or sets whether to add Start/Stop characters for barcode types NW7 and CODE39 in C#.... Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...namespace Aspose.Words.Fields assembly Aspose.Words FieldMergeBarcode...
Id ParametricCurves.Id property Gets or sets the id. A text string containing the unique identifier of the curves ele......unique within the instance document. Required. public string Id...Collada.FileParser.Elements assembly Aspose.CAD Extra Input English...
HeadingsOutlineLevels PdfCoreOptions.HeadingsOutlineLevels property Specifies how many levels of outline items to inc......outline items to include in the document outline. 0 - no outline, 1...Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Pdf assembly Aspose.Imaging ExpandedOutlineLevel...