Turquoise Pens.Turquoise property Gets the turquoise Pen. public static Pen Turquoise { get ; } Property Value The tu......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Transparent...
Brown Pens.Brown property Gets the brown Pen. public static Pen Brown { get ; } Property Value The brown Pen. See Als......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing BlueViolet...
Lavender Pens.Lavender property Gets the lavender Pen. public static Pen Lavender { get ; } Property Value The lavend......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Khaki LavenderBlush...
Lime Pens.Lime property Gets the lime Pen. public static Pen Lime { get ; } Property Value The lime Pen. See Also cla......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing LightYellow...
Navy Pens.Navy property Gets the navy Pen. public static Pen Navy { get ; } Property Value The navy Pen. See Also cla......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing NavajoWhite...
Ivory Pens.Ivory property Gets the ivory Pen. public static Pen Ivory { get ; } Property Value The ivory Pen. See Als......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Indigo Khaki...
Menu SystemColors.Menu property Gets a Color structure that is the color of a menu’s background. public static Color ......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing InfoText MenuBar...
Alignment StringFormat.Alignment property Gets or sets text alignment information on the vertical plane. public Strin......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing GenericTypographic...
Blue Pens.Blue property Gets the blue Pen. public static Pen Blue { get ; } Property Value The blue Pen. See Also cla......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing BlanchedAlmond...
Fuchsia Pens.Fuchsia property Gets the fuchsia Pen. public static Pen Fuchsia { get ; } Property Value The fuchsia Pe......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing ForestGreen...