XScale CadShape.XScale property public double XScale { get ; set ; } See Also class CadShape namespace Aspose.CAD.Fil......CadObjects assembly Aspose.CAD TypeName English...
GetData CadXdataContainer.GetData method public CadXdata GetData ( string applicationName ) See Also class CadXdata c......CadObjects assembly Aspose.CAD GetAcadData English...
VersionNumber CadOleFrame.VersionNumber property public short VersionNumber { get ; set ; } See Also class CadOleFram......CadObjects assembly Aspose.CAD TypeName English...
XMax Extent.XMax property Maximum value of the X coordinate. public double XMax { get ; set ; } See Also class Extent......Gis assembly Aspose.GIS Width XMin English...
SummaryInfo CadHeader.SummaryInfo property public SummaryInfoData SummaryInfo { get ; } See Also class SummaryInfoDat......CadObjects assembly Aspose.CAD PropertiesSummaryInf...
WindowLeft Window.WindowLeft property Left coordinate of the window rectangle. public int WindowLeft { get ; set ; } ......Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram WindowHeight...
Geoms Shape.Geoms property Contains a collection of Geom elements. public GeomCollection Geoms { get ; } See Also cla......Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram ForeignData...
Unit UnitFormulaErr.Unit property Units of measure. public MeasureConst Unit { get ; set ; } See Also enum MeasureCon......Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram F Clone English...
IsContain Shape.IsContain method Indicates whether this shape is contain another shape. public bool IsContain ( Shape......Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram IsConnected...
Acts Shape.Acts property Contains a collection of Act elements. public ActCollection Acts { get ; } See Also class Ac......Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram ActiveXControl...