Size Font.Size property Gets the em-size of this Font measured in the units specified by the Unit property. public fl......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing OriginalFontName...
Strikeout Font.Strikeout property Gets a value indicating whether this Font specifies a horizontal line through the f......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing SizeInPoints...
Tag Image.Tag property Gets or sets an object that provides additional data about the image. public object Tag { get ......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Size VerticalResolution...
CaptionFont SystemFonts.CaptionFont property Gets a Font that is used to display text in the title bars of windows. p......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing DefaultFont...
MenuBar SystemColors.MenuBar property Gets a Color structure that is the color of the background of a menu bar. publi......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing Menu MenuHighlight...
WindowText SystemColors.WindowText property Gets a Color structure that is the color of the text in the client area o......Drawing assembly Aspose.Drawing WindowFrame...