Ufe ConLineJumpDirY.Ufe property Specifies attributes of an element. public UnitFormulaErr Ufe { get ; } See Also cla......Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram ConLineJumpDirY...
Ufe Calendar.Ufe property Specifies attributes of an element. public UnitFormulaErr Ufe { get ; } See Also class Unit......Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram Calendar Value...
NameU Act.NameU property The universal name of the element. public string NameU { get ; set ; } See Also class Act na......Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram Name ReadOnly...
EditMode Field.EditMode property Reserved for future use. public DoubleValue EditMode { get ; } See Also class Double......Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram DisplayValue...
Date Annotation.Date property specifies when a comment was created public DateValue Date { get ; } See Also class Dat......Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram Comment Del...
NameU Hyperlink.NameU property The universal name of the element. public string NameU { get ; set ; } See Also class ......Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram Name NewWindow...
NameU MasterShortcut.NameU property The universal name of the element. public string NameU { get ; set ; } See Also c......Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram Name PatternFlags...
Validate TiffOptions.Validate method Validates if options have valid combination of tags public void Validate () See ......ImageOptions assembly Aspose.PSD RemoveTag GetValidTagsCount...
Clear XmpPackageBaseCollection.Clear method Clear all XmpPackage inside collection. public void Clear () See Also cla......Xmp assembly Aspose.PSD Add GetEnumerator...