Name Prop.Name property The name of the element. public string Name { get ; set ; } See Also class Prop namespace Asp......Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram LangID NameU...
Calendar Calendar constructor Constructor. public Calendar ( CalendarValue value ) Parameter Type Description value C......Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram Ufe English...
IsStrikethrough Char.IsStrikethrough property Indicating whether the font is strikethrough. public bool IsStrikethrou......Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram IsItalic IsSubscript...
IsUnderline Char.IsUnderline property Indicating whether the font is underline. public bool IsUnderline { get ; } See......Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram IsSuperscript...
Value Margin.Value property Specifies the margin. public double Value { get ; set ; } See Also class Margin namespace......Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram Unit Equals...
DefaultVersion PsdImage.DefaultVersion field The default PSD version. public const int DefaultVersion ; See Also clas......Psd assembly Aspose.PSD Rotate English...
ProgressPercentage AsyncTaskProgress.ProgressPercentage field The progress of the asynchronous task, in percent. publ......AsyncTask assembly Aspose.PSD Duration English...
GdFlResource GdFlResource constructor The default constructor. public GdFlResource () See Also class GdFlResource nam......LayerResources assembly Aspose.PSD AlignWithLayer...
PrimaveraOptions LoadOptions.PrimaveraOptions property Gets or sets a specified instance of the PrimaveraXmlReadingOp......Tasks assembly Aspose.Tasks Password...