Developer's manual to the Java HTML class library to create, edit, extract data & convert HTML pages to PDF, XPS, Images and other formats....xpath com.aspose.html.drawing com...
Developer's manual to the Java HTML class library to create, edit, extract data & convert HTML pages to PDF, XPS, Images and other formats....xpath com.aspose.html.drawing com...
Developer's manual to the Java HTML class library to create, edit, extract data & convert HTML pages to PDF, XPS, Images and other formats....xpath com.aspose.html.drawing com...
Developer's manual to the Java HTML class library to create, edit, extract data & convert HTML pages to PDF, XPS, Images and other formats....xpath com.aspose.html.drawing com...
Aspose.Words.Comment сорт. Представляет контейнер для текста комментария.... соответствующих выражению XPath. SelectSingleNode (string) Выбирает... соответствующий выражению XPath. SetText (string) Это удобный...
Aspose.Words.InlineStory klass. Basklass för noder på inlinenivå som kan innehålla stycken och tabeller i C#....lista med noder som matchar XPath-uttrycket. SelectSingleNode...den första Node som matchar XPath-uttrycket. ToString ( SaveFormat...
Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter sınıf. Bir bölümün üstbilgi veya altbilgi metni için bir kapsayıcıyı temsil eder.... SelectNodes (string) XPath ifadesiyle eşleşen düğümlerin... SelectSingleNode (string) XPath ifadesiyle eşleşen ilk Düğümü...
Aspose.Words.Notes.Footnote klas. Repräsentiert einen Container für Text einer Fußnote oder Endnote....von Knoten aus, die mit dem XPath-Ausdruck übereinstimmen. SelectSingleNode...ersten Knoten aus, der mit dem XPath-Ausdruck übereinstimmt. ToString...