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xbrl to ixbrl

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  1. Aspose.Finance.Xbrl.XbrlInstance Unit namespace...

    When adding a unit To the XbrlInstance like ‘iso4217:EUR’ then the namespace xmlns:iso4217=“” will not be added To the html file when saving as IXbrl. Sample Project: AsposeFinanceContex…...Xbrl.XbrlInstance Unit namespace missing Aspose...namespace xmlns:iso4217=“ ” will not...
  2. Pricing - Purchase -

    File Format APIs Enable your applications To manipulate Word, Excel, PDF, PowerPoint and more than 100 other file formats like XBRL, iXBRL without any software dependencies...
  3. Aspose.Total for .NET|Documentation

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers To manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, DeskTop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android formats, such as XBRL, iXBRL. The finance API is extensible...
  4. Aspose.Finance.Xbrl.ContextSenario not in save ...

    If i add a Aspose.Finance.Xbrl.ContextSenario (btw there is a typo it should be ContextSCenario) To my Aspose.Finance.Xbrl.Context like this: Concept explicitMemberConcept = XbrlInstance.GetConceptById(explicitMemberCon…...Xbrl.ContextSenario not in save output Aspose...1 If i add a Aspose.Finance.Xbrl.ContextSenario (btw there is...