Aspose.Words.Loading.TxtLeadingSpacesOptions énumération. Spécifie les options disponibles pour la gestion de lespace de tête lors de limportation depuisText fichier.... UTF8 . GetBytes ( textDoc )), loadOptions...
Aspose::Words::Markup::CustomXmlPartCollection::get_Count method. Gets the number of elements contained in the collection in C++....System :: Text :: Encoding :: get_UTF8 () -> GetString ( enumerator...
Aspose::Words::Markup::CustomXmlPartCollection::Clone method. Makes a deep copy of this collection and its items in C++....System :: Text :: Encoding :: get_UTF8 () -> GetString ( enumerator...
Aspose::Words::Markup::CustomXmlPart::get_Data method. Gets or sets the XML content of this Custom XML Data Storage Part in C++....System :: Text :: Encoding :: get_UTF8 () -> GetString ( enumerator...
Aspose::Words::Document::get_CustomXmlParts method. Gets or sets the collection of Custom XML Data Storage Parts in C++....System :: Text :: Encoding :: get_UTF8 () -> GetString ( enumerator...
Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlMetafileFormat uppräkning. Indikerar formatet som metafiler sparas i i HTMLdokument i C#.... UTF8 . GetBytes ( html )), loadOptions...
Aspose.Words.Loading.TxtLeadingSpacesOptions enum. Specifica le opzioni disponibili per la gestione dello spazio iniziale durante limportazione daText file in C#.... UTF8 . GetBytes ( textDoc )), loadOptions...
Aspose.Words.Saving.TxtSaveOptionsBase klass. Basklassen för att ange ytterligare alternativ när ett dokument sparas i textbaserade format i C#....UTF8 . ExportGeneratorName { get;...
TxtLoadOptions ملكية. الحصول على أو تعيين الخيار المفضل لمعالجة مساحة زائدة . القيمة الافتراضية هيTrim .... UTF8 . GetBytes ( textDoc )), loadOptions...