title propiedad title propiedad Obtiene y establece el title del cantante. Ejemplo from aspose.cells.drawing import S......import SignatureLine # Create signature line object s4 = SignatureLine...
signer الملكية signer الملكية يحصل على signer ويضبطه. مثال from aspose.cells.drawing import SignatureLine # Create si......import SignatureLine # Create signature line object s3 = SignatureLine...
Microsoft Exchange 定义了 Microsoft Exchange Server 和 Microsoft Exchange Client 使用的这个属性 规范名称 替代名称PR_EMS_AB_DSA_Signature...规范名称: 替代名称:PR_EMS_AB_DSA_SIGNATURE public static readonly PidTagPropertyDescri...
shadow_effect property shadow_effect property Represents a ShadowEffect object that specifies shadow effect for the c......ShadowEffect rotation_angle property signature_line property English Русский...