Determines which operations are disabled on the parent Connector....Determines whether a changing rotation angle of this shape is forbidden...Determines whether a changing rotation angle of this shape is forbidden...
Innfødte APIer for å rotere PDF-sider ved hjelp av .NET, .NET Core, Xamarin, Java, C++ og Android....Setting Rotation angle of page page . Rotate = Rotation . on90...
Nativní rozhraní API pro otáčení stránek PDF pomocí rozhraní.NET, .NET Core, Xamarin, Java, C++ a Android....Setting Rotation angle of page page . Rotate = Rotation . on90...
Python-kildekode for å legge til tekststempel til PDF-fil på .NET Framework, .NET Core....YIndent = 100 # Rotate stamp textStamp . Rotate = Rotation . on90 #...
.NET, .NET Core, Xamarin, Java, C++ ve Android kullanarak PDF sayfalarını döndürmek için yerel API'ler....Setting Rotation angle of page page . Rotate = Rotation . on90...
Natywne interfejsy API do obracania stron PDF za pomocą .NET, .NET Core, Java, C++ i Android....Setting Rotation angle of page page . Rotate = Rotation . on90...
Prosty kod źródłowy demo do dodawania stempla tekstowego do pliku PDF na dowolnej platformie z językiem C++....); // Rotate stamp textStamp -> set_Rotate ( Rotation :: on90...
This article guides on how to insert shape in Word using C#. It has the IDE settings, steps, and a sample code to insert digital art using shapes in MS Word using inline shape and set the rotation angle Insert a shape with rotation angle Create the OoxmlSaveOptions class...