Thư viện xử lý tệp Java Word để tạo chỉnh sửa chuyển đổi DOC, DOCX, PDF, RTF, ODT, TXT, MOBI, HTML, JPG, PNG và nhiều định dạng khác....kiếm và thay thế văn bản bằng RegEx Tự động hóa quá trình tìm kiếm... (18.2 KB) (18.2 KB)
Can you figure out the problem?
I used same sample code that your website provides...Replace("\u000e", ""); fileName = Regex.Replace(fileName, "[ *?<>/:@...
doc/allclasses-frame.html All Classes AboveAverage AbstractCalculationE ArcShape Area AutoFilter AutoFitterOptions AutomaticFill Axis Bevel Border BorderCollection BuiltInDocumentPrope Button Calcu......whether the searched key is regex. If true then the searched key...key will be taken as regex. boolean getSeachOrderByRows() void...
I am trying to download a PDF with landscape orientation and I cannot get it working.
First I create a word document by importing HTML, and then save the Word document as PDF and return as a download.
Here is a minimi…...Regex.Replace(name, @"[^0-9a-zA-Z_...
I need some assistance in adding a background shape to an svg file converted to group of shapes. I’m using the following code to add svg file as background shape, and another svg file converted to a group of shape and fi…...TextFrame; var iconName = Regex.Replace(Path.GetFileNameWithoutEx(svgFiles[i...