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linear extrusion

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  1. Working مع VRML orormat|Documentation

    Aspose.3D for .NET يسمح بالعمل مع VRML الإصدار 1.0. VRML تمت إضافة تنسيق الملف إلى فئة ilileFormat. Aspose.3D يمكن السيارات الكشف عن تنسيق ، وبالتالي فإن ilileFormat عادة ما يتم تجاهلها في طريقة القلم O. Tانه يتبع رمز مقتطف يظهر كيفية فتح VRML تنسيق الملف.... Working مع Linear Extrusion Working مع Cيندر...
  2. Developer Guide - 3D File Formats anianipulatio...

    C# .NET 'de 3D dosya formatlarını algılamak, oluşturmak, okumak, dönüştürmek ve değiştirmek için Developer Guide bölümü....3D Viewports Polygons Linear Extrusion ile king orking VRML Format...
  3. VRML Format ile Working|Documentation

    Aspose.3D for .NET VRML sürüm 1.0 ile çalışmayı sağlar. File. ormat sınıfına VRML dosya formatı eklendi. 076. 481 formatı otomatik olarak algılayabilir, böylece File. ormat genellikle Open yönteminde göz ardı edilir. Kod parçacığını takip eden The, 076. 481 dosya formatının nasıl açık olduğunu gösterir.... Linear Extrusion ile king orking Cylinder...
  4. Arbeiten mit dem Format VRML|Documentation

    Aspose.3D für Python via .NET ermöglicht das Arbeiten mit der Version 1.0VRML. Das Dateiformat VRML wurde der FileFormat-Klasse hinzugefügt. Aspose.3D kann das Format automatisch erkennen, sodass das FileFormat in der Open-Methode normaler weise ignoriert wird. Das folgende Code-Snippet zeigt, wie öffnen VRML Dateiformat.... Arbeiten mit linearer Extrusion Arbeiten mit Zylinder...
  5. IfcBSplineSurfaceForm - Aspose.CAD for Java - A...

    Developer's manual to the Aspose.CAD for Java library. Know all classes, methods & interfaces for quick integration of the CAD library with your own apps....SPHERICAL_SURF SURF_OF_LINEAR_EXTRUSION SURF_OF_REVOLUTION TOROIDAL_SURF... QUADRIC_SURF SURF_OF_LINEAR_EXTRUSION public static final IfcBSplineSurfaceFor...
  6. Aspose.3D for Java 20.2 Mitteilung hinweise|Doc...

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms....des Profils kann durch Linear Extrusion in 3D mesh konvertiert...

    wrapper.xml aspose.words.AbsolutePositionTab Aspose.Words.AbsolutePositionTab SpecialChar node_type NodeType NodeType False True False parent_node ParentNode CompositeNode False True False document......StoryType False True False extrusion_enabled ExtrusionEnabled bool...Drawing.Charts.AxisScaleType LINEAR Linear AxisScaleType True False...