getEffective getEffective() function Gets effective paragraph formatting data with the inheritance applied. Result Pa......getEffective() function Gets effective paragraph formatting data...
addGrayScaleEffect addGrayScaleEffect() method Adds the new Gray Scale effect to the end of a collection. Returns Gra......method Adds the new Gray Scale effect to the end of a collection...
addAlphaCeilingEffect addAlphaCeilingEffect() method Adds the new Alpha Ceiling effect to the end of a collection. Re......Adds the new Alpha Ceiling effect to the end of a collection...
addAlphaModulateEffect addAlphaModulateEffect() function Adds the new Alpha Modulate effect to the end of a collectio......Adds the new Alpha Modulate effect to the end of a collection...
Quality SVGSaveOptions.Quality property Gets or sets a value determining the quality of the generated images to apply......{ get ; set ; } Remarks Has effect only when saving to JPEG. The...
Determina si el especificadoBluraspose.slides.Effects/blur es igual a la corrienteBluraspose.slides.Effects/blur ....Effects asamblea Aspose.Slides Radius...
Determina si el especificadoAlphaInverseaspose.slides.Effects/alphainverse es igual a la corrienteAlphaInverseaspose.slides.Effects/alphainverse ....Effects asamblea Aspose.Slides GetEffective...
setJpegQuality setJpegQuality(byte value) function Returns or sets a value determining the quality of the JPEG images...... Has effect only when a document contains...
shadow mülk shadow mülk Grup kutusunun shadow’e sahip olup olmadığını gösterir. Tanım: @property def shadow ( self ):......rotation_angle mülk shadow_effect mülk Türkçe English Русский...