getRepeatDuration getRepeatDuration() function Describes the number of times the effect should repeat. Read/write flo......Describes the number of times the effect should repeat. Read/write float...
getDecelerate getDecelerate() function Describes the percentage of duration decelerate behavior effect. Read/write fl......duration decelerate behavior effect. Read/write float. Result float...
getEffectstyles getEffectstyles() method Returns a collection of theme defined effect styles. Read-only IEffectstyleC......collection of theme defined effect styles. Read-only IEffectStyleCollecti...
addDuotoneEffect addDuotoneEffect() method Adds the new Duotone effect to the end of a collection. Returns Duotone...method Adds the new Duotone effect to the end of a collection...
getRewind getRewind() function This attribute specifies if the effect will rewind when done playing. Read/write boole......attribute specifies if the effect will rewind when done playing...
getEffective getEffective() function Gets effective bullet formatting data with the inheritance applied. Result Bulle......getEffective() function Gets effective bullet formatting data with...
getBlurEffect getBlurEffect() function Blur effect. Read/write IBlur. Result Blur...getBlurEffect() function Blur effect. Read/write IBlur. Result Blur...
getEffective getEffective() function Gets effective portion formatting data with the inheritance applied. Result Port......getEffective() function Gets effective portion formatting data with...
addGrayScaleEffect addGrayScaleEffect() function Adds the new Gray Scale effect to the end of a collection. Result Gr......function Adds the new Gray Scale effect to the end of a collection...