clear_format_3d yöntemi clear_format_3d() Şeklin 3B şekil özelliklerini temizler. def clear_format_3d ( self ): ... A......ShapePropertyCollect clear_glow_effect yöntemi Türkçe English Русский...
glow property glow property Represents a GlowEffect object that specifies glow effect for the chart element or shape.......object that specifies glow effect for the chart element or shape...
Determines whether the specified Reflectionaspose.slides.Effects/reflection is equal to the current Reflectionaspose.slides.Effects/reflection....Effects assembly Aspose.Slides StartReflectionOpaci...
Determines whether the specified AlphaInverseaspose.slides.Effects/alphainverse is equal to the current AlphaInverseaspose.slides.Effects/alphainverse....Effects assembly Aspose.Slides GetEffective...
Determines whether the specified AlphaReplaceaspose.slides.Effects/alphareplace is equal to the current AlphaReplaceaspose.slides.Effects/alphareplace....Effects assembly Aspose.Slides GetEffective...
Determines whether the specified Luminanceaspose.slides.Effects/luminance is equal to the current Luminanceaspose.slides.Effects/luminance....Effects assembly Aspose.Slides GetEffective...
EffectstyleCollection EffectstyleCollection class Represents a collection of effect styles. The EffectstyleCollection......Represents a collection of effect styles. The EffectStyleCollectio...
Determines whether the specified AlphaBiLevelaspose.slides.Effects/alphabilevel is equal to the current AlphaBiLevelaspose.slides.Effects/alphabilevel....Effects assembly Aspose.Slides Threshold...
Determines whether the bounds of the object should be grown as a result of the blurring. True indicates the bounds are grown while false indicates that they are not. Read/write Boolean....Effects assembly Aspose.Slides AsIImageTransformOpe...