Find biller transaction request class....get; set; } Gets or sets the data to be echoed in the transaction...Finance.Ofx.BillerDirectory assembly Aspose.Finance FindBillerResponse...
Closing statement transaction request class....get; set; } Gets or sets the data to be echoed in the transaction...namespace Aspose.Finance.Ofx.Bank assembly Aspose.Finance StatementEndResponse...
Change user information transaction response class....get; set; } Gets or sets the data to be echoed in the transaction...Aspose.Finance.Ofx.Signup assembly Aspose.Finance ChangeUserInfoTransa...
Wire transfer transaction response class....get; set; } Gets or sets the data to be echoed in the transaction...Aspose.Finance.Ofx.WireTransfer assembly Aspose.Finance WireTransactionReque...
Bill status modification transaction response class....get; set; } Gets or sets the data to be echoed in the transaction...Finance.Ofx.BillerDelivery assembly Aspose.Finance BillStatusModTransac...
Reveal slide transition effect....use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table...namespace Aspose.Slides.SlideShow assembly Aspose.Slides OrientationTransitio...
Represents formatting options for DataLabel....Represents the format of the data label. Read-only IFormat . ...Represents the position of the data label. Read/write LegendDataLabelPosit...
Intrabank transfer transaction response class....get; set; } Gets or sets the data to be echoed in the transaction...namespace Aspose.Finance.Ofx.Bank assembly Aspose.Finance IntraTransactionRequ...
Bank mail transaction response class....get; set; } Gets or sets the data to be echoed in the transaction...namespace Aspose.Finance.Ofx.Bank assembly Aspose.Finance BankMailTransactionR...
Recurring Interbank transfer transaction response class....get; set; } Gets or sets the data to be echoed in the transaction...Finance.Ofx.InterTransfer assembly Aspose.Finance RecurringInterTransa...