WriteUShort TiffStreamWriter.WriteUShort method public void WriteUShort ( ushort Data ) See Also class TiffStreamWrit......public void WriteUShort ( ushort data ) See Also class TiffStreamWriter...FileFormats.Tiff.FileManagement assembly Aspose.CAD WriteULongArray...
WriteDouble TiffStreamWriter.WriteDouble method public void WriteDouble ( double Data ) See Also class TiffStreamWrit......public void WriteDouble ( double data ) See Also class TiffStreamWriter...FileFormats.Tiff.FileManagement assembly Aspose.CAD Write WriteDoubleArray...
Represents a specified charts Data label percentage value display behavior. True displays the percentage value. False to hide. Read/write Boolean....Represents a specified chart’s data label percentage value display...DataLabelCollection collection of data labels then this property gets...
GridValidation property. Represents the operator for the Data validation...Represents the operator for the data validation. public GridOperatorType...Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop.Dataassembly Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop...
GridValidation property. Represents the operator for the Data validation...Represents the operator for the data validation. public GridOperatorType...namespace Aspose.Cells.GridWeb.Dataassembly Aspose.Cells.GridWeb English...
TiffExifIfd TiffExifIfd constructor (1 of 2) Initializes a new instance of the TiffExifIfd class. public TiffExifIfd ......Tiff assembly Aspose.PSD TiffExifIfd constructor...however, it does not contain image data as in the case of TIFF. See...
TiffExifIfd TiffExifIfd constructor (1 of 2) Initializes a new instance of the TiffExifIfd class. public TiffExifIfd ......Tiff assembly Aspose.Imaging TiffExifIfd...however, it does not contain image data as in the case of TIFF. See...
GridCell property. Gets and sets the html string which contains Data and some formattings in this cell...the html string which contains data and some formattings in this...Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop.Dataassembly Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop...
Imports bookmarks to the document from XML file....Facades assembly Aspose.PDF ImportBookmarksWithX(Stream)...Stream Stream with bookmarks data. See Also class PdfBookmarkEditor...