Circle Circle constructor (1 of 2) Constructor of Circle public Circle () See Also class Circle namespace Aspose.Thre......Double The radius of the circle curve. See Also class Circle namespace...
GammaGreen WmfLogColorSpace.GammaGreen property Gets or sets a 32-bit fixed point value that defines the toned respon......defines the toned response curve for green. If the ColorSpaceType...
IsClosed MultiCurve.IsClosed property Determines whether this curve is closed. public virtual bool IsClosed { get ; } Determines whether this curve is closed. public virtual bool...
StartPoint ICurve.StartPoint property Returns a copy of the starting point of the curve. public IPoint StartPoint { g......of the starting point of the curve. public IPoint StartPoint {...
StartPoint CircularString.StartPoint property Returns a copy of the starting point of the curve. public override IPoi......of the starting point of the curve. public override IPoint StartPoint...
Extra SweptSurface.Extra property Gets or sets the extra. public Extra [] Extra { get ; set ; } See Also class Extra ......CAD Curve Items English Русский 简体中文...