ToAmpHtml AmpFitText.ToAmpHtml method Represents amp html version of component. public override string ToAmpHtml () S......Amp assembly Aspose.Email Value ToHtml...
ToAmpHtml AmpForm.ToAmpHtml method Represents amp html version of component. public override string ToAmpHtml () See ......Amp assembly Aspose.Email Target ToHtml...
ExpirationDate OAuthToken.ExpirationDate property Gets expiration date of the token. public DateTime ExpirationDate {......Clients assembly Aspose.Email OAuthToken Expired...
Events Contact.Events property Gets list of events public EventList Events { get ; } See Also class EventList class C......PersonalInfo assembly Aspose.Email EmailAddresses...
Name MapiNamedPropertyMappingStorage.Name property Gets the name public string Name { get ; } Property Value The name......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email Content AddNamedPropertyMapp...
Value UIVisibility.Value property Specifies the uivisibility. public UIVisibilityValue Value { get ; set ; } See Also......Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram Ufe Equals...
Add ActCollection.Add method Add the Act object in the collection. public int Add ( Act item ) See Also class Act cla......Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram Item GetAct...