Gpx Drivers.Gpx property A driver for the GPX format. public static GpxDriver Gpx { get ; } See Also class GpxDriver ......Gis assembly Aspose.GIS Gml Kml English...
ICadWriter ICadWriter interface public interface ICadWriter Methods Name Description Write () See Also namespace Aspo......Writer assembly Aspose.CAD CadWriter English...
XmpTypeBase XmpTypeBase class public abstract class XmpTypeBase : IXmpType Methods Name Description abstract GetXmpRe......Types assembly Aspose.CAD IXmpType English...
XpsFont XpsFont class Class incapsulating a TrueType font resource. public sealed class XpsFont : XpsFileResource See......XpsModel assembly Aspose.Page XpsFillRule XpsGlyphs...
IFeatureItem IFeatureItem interface Basic interface for classes that can be a print ticket feature item. public inter......XpsMetadata assembly Aspose.Page Features.PageOrientation...
Junkemail KnownFolders.Junkemail field The junk email folder. public static readonly string Junkemail ; See Also clas......Graph assembly Aspose.Email Inbox LocalFailures...
ItemId MessageInfo.ItemId property Gets the message URI. public virtual string ItemId { get ; } See Also class Messag......Graph assembly Aspose.Email English Русский...
ApiKey DeliveryServiceOptions.ApiKey property Private API key public string ApiKey { get ; set ; } See Also class Del......DeliveryService assembly Aspose.Email English Русский...