IfcLibrarySelect IfcLibrarySelect constructor The default constructor. public IfcLibrarySelect () See Also class IfcL......Types assembly Aspose.CAD English Русский...
IfcDerivedMeasureValue IfcDerivedMeasureValue constructor The default constructor. public IfcDerivedMeasureValue () S......Types assembly Aspose.CAD English Русский...
IfcSizeSelect IfcSizeSelect constructor The default constructor. public IfcSizeSelect () See Also class IfcSizeSelect......Types assembly Aspose.CAD English Русский...
IfcAnnotationCurveOccurrence IfcAnnotationCurveOccurrence constructor The default constructor. public IfcAnnotationCu......Entities assembly Aspose.CAD English Русский...
GetHashCode ShdwType.GetHashCode method Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetHashC......Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram Equals English...
FolderPath FolderFontSource.FolderPath property Path to fonts folder. public string FolderPath { get ; } See Also cla......Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram FolderFontSource...
GetHashCode LineJumpCode.GetHashCode method Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int GetH......Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram Equals English...
GetHashCode WalkPreference.GetHashCode method Serves as a hash function for a particular type. public override int Ge......Diagram assembly Aspose.Diagram Equals English...
Radius BlurEffectiveData.Radius property Blur radius. Read-only Double. public double Radius { get ; } See Also class......Effects assembly Aspose.Slides Grow...