Çevrimiçi editörle PSD dosyasını açın ve düzenleyin...Yellow); // Draw an arc shape by specifying the Pen object...int sweepAngle = 270; // Draw arc to screen and save all changes...
Редактируйте файлы Adobe Photoshop PSD онлайн...Yellow); // Draw an arc shape by specifying the Pen object...int sweepAngle = 270; // Draw arc to screen and save all changes...
ShapePathType numaralandırma ShapePathType numaralandırma Yol segment tipini temsil eder. ShapePathType türü aşağıdak......Geçerli yolun sonu ESCAPE Kaçmak ARC_TO bir yay UNKNOWN Bilinmeyen...
inner_radius_px propiedad inner_radius_px propiedad Obtiene el radio interior del segmento de dona en unidades de píx......charts clase ChartPoint inner_arc_start_point_y_px propiedad is_in_secondary_plot...
Abra y edite el archivo PSD con el editor en línea...Yellow); // Draw an arc shape by specifying the Pen object...int sweepAngle = 270; // Draw arc to screen and save all changes...
Abra e edite o arquivo PSD com o editor online...Yellow); // Draw an arc shape by specifying the Pen object...int sweepAngle = 270; // Draw arc to screen and save all changes...