Download JasperReports Extension to export reports in Word & HTML formats from JasperReports and JasperServer....JasperReports 22.8 It contains Aspose.Words for JasperReports 22.8 release...
We are using Aspose.words library with Java for extracting MS word content.
Currently we are using aspose-words: 23.7 and things are working fine. But after upgrading it to 24.5(Latest version), width and height is …...LineBounds of each Bookmark using 22.8 and 24.5 version? Layout dimensions...dimensions for Bookmarks using 22.8 java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D$Float[x=77...
Auto fit columns for excel added as OLE in the slide not working as expected.
Cell value is “####” for the cells having number with more than 9 digit whereas it works fine for the cells having text with more length.
Fo… ‘aspose-slides’, version:'22.8’ andrey.potapov December 21...
Collectives™ on Stack Overflow Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most......11; 22.8 Requires-Python >=3.5,<3.11;...
Java class library to read, write, export, & process Visio diagrams. Supports Visio objects like document, page, master (stencils), shape, stylesheet & connect....9 September 6, 2022 22.8 August 3, 2022 22.7 July 6,...
Java class library to read, write, export, & process Visio diagrams. Supports Visio objects like document, page, master (stencils), shape, stylesheet & connect....9 September 6, 2022 22.8 August 3, 2022 22.7 July 6,...