1.0 utf-8 yes 2.0 http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom Release Notes - 2022 on Releases - aspose.comhttps://releases.aspose.com/drawing/net/release-notes/2022/Recent content in Release Notes - 2022 on Relea......NET 22.6 Release Noteshttps://releases...for Aspose.Drawing for .NET 22.6. Major Features Several improvements...
We’re looking for a library which we can use to set XMP metadata in EPS documents (at a document level, not an object level). Do any of the Aspose libraries offer this functionality?...NET 22.6. The first three of the previously...a bug anymore in Aspose.NET 22.6 after all. Issue 2 is still...
I am using the Aspose PDF library for .NET, version 10.7. I am trying to convert PDFs to grayscale and using the code posted at http://www.aspose.com/docs/display/pdfnet/Convert+a+PDF+from+RGB+colorspace+to+Grayscale
T…...NET 22.6 . pomoika July 6, 2022, 2:09pm...conversion using Aspose.PDF for .NET 22.6 Lightweight Edition and it didn’t...
1.0 utf-8 yes 2.0 http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom Release Notes - 2022 on Releases - aspose.comhttps://releases.aspose.com/svg/net/release-notes/2022/Recent content in Release Notes - 2022 on Releases ......NET 22.6 Release Noteshttps://releases...information for Aspose.SVG for .NET 22.6 Major Features As per the regular...
We add reply using Comment.addReply call (Java). Intermittently what I see is when opening the Word document, the comment and the reply added using addReply show as two different comments ( not as comment with re…... I use the latest 22.6 version of Aspose.Words for...do you use? With the latest 22.6 version of Aspose.Words for...