Download JasperReports Extension to export reports in Word & HTML formats from JasperReports and JasperServer....JasperReports 22.2 It contains Aspose.Words for JasperReports 22.2 release...
Hi there,
I have a problem that I am trying to solve using Aspose.PDF text replacement feature. We have reports containing textual summary of variable lengths. The summary could be any length from a few lines to a few p…...while testing the scenario with 22.2 version of the API. Therefore...
Im trying to convert a simple PDF (1 page with “Test” as text)
Test.pdf (15.7 KB)
When using the following link:
The PDF is converted fine and I can validate it too using your .Validate() method:
However, onc…...pdf (22.2 KB) I am using the attached...